VC "Zhytychi-Polissia" won its first victory in the Super League-Dmart 2023\24

Super League-Dmart 2023-2024

I round. November 10, 2023

"Epicenter-Podolyany" - VC "Zhytychi-Polissia" - 2:3 (19:25, 19:25, 25:19, 25:11, 13:15)

The starting line-up of "Epicenter-Podolyany": Yorna (scored 11 points), Tervaportti (1), Finger (21), Koval (10), Smoliar (15), Kisiliuk (7), Fomin (l), Zhukov (l). Substitutes: Ostapenko (0), Sydorenko (12), Didenko (0), Uryvkin (2).

Head coach: Mauricio Paes.

Starting line-up of VC "Zhytichi-Polissya": Shapoval (scored 20 points), Vilimanovich (3), Rudnytskyi (7), Luban (9), Babych (4), Didovic (24), Khvasta (l), Yablonsky (l). Substitutes: Kuranov (0), Orobko (4), Hubenko (1), Kravchenko (0).

Head coach: Serhii Tereykovskyi.

In the second match of the day, now former participants of the European Cup "Epicentr-Podolany" and VC "Zhytichi-Polissya" met.

Everyone expected a spectacular and interesting match from the teams in which legionnaires are present. However, the intrigue in the starting set did not work out at all: the players of Zhytomyr demonstrated that they are full of strength and ready to fight the silver medalist of the championship of Ukraine last season. And not just to fight, but to win the first set quite easily - 25:19.

In the next episode, the team of Zhytomyr continued to "press" and dictate the pace of the game that was comfortable for them (3:1 - 10:7). Instead, the "bisons" could not cope with Victor Shapoval's attacks and they themselves lacked the teamwork (13:18). In the end, "Zhytychi" finished another set in their favor with a similar score - 25:19.

And then there was a 10-minute break, which always makes adjustments. This pause was enough for Mauricio Paes to tell his wards about the mistakes and how to play against Zhytomyr. Podolyany immediately took the lead (2:0) and did not let the opponent close until the final rally (15:10 – 18:15). It is interesting that the third set also ended with the same score as the previous ones - 25:19, but already in favor of "Epicenter-Podolyany".

The success in the third set gave the "bisons" confidence and, most importantly, effective service. After all, it was the ace that they started their gradual collection of points with(4:2 – 7:3 – 19:8). From the eyes and super-powerful attacks of the "Epicenter" volleyball players, it was clear that a tie-break was awaiting us. And so it happened: the players of Zhytomyr looked very confused and tired, and the Podolyany appeared as if five minutes ago they only walked into the court of the "PVLU" arena - 25:11.

The decisive fifth set started again with strong serves. This time by Volodymyr Sydorenko (2:0). Both teams played well in defense, but the "bisons" were better at "finishing" breakpoints (7:4). And then there was "déjà vu": the Podolyany, just like a week ago in the European Cup match, lost their considerable advantage (7:7). Next, Mykyta Luban made a series of serves that turned the tide of the decisive set (11:9). It was difficult for Zhytomyr team, but they kept their advantage and celebrated their first victory in the championship - 15:13 and 3-2.

Alen Didovic (24 points) from VC "Zhytychi-Polissia" became the most effective player of the match.

On November 11, at 15:00, the Podolyany will play against the Ternopil club "Security Police-ZUNU-Dynamo", and the Zhytomyr will play against them on Sunday at the same time.

All matches are played without spectators, so watch the online broadcasts of the games on the DIVISPORT youtube channel or on the Megogo and Sweet.TV platforms.

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