Super League-Dmart 2023/24 (women)
IX round. Seventh game. February 18
"Alanta" — "Regina-MEGU-OSHVSM" 3-1 (23:25, 25:22, 25:16, 25:15)
Antonina Zhuk's wards put up a fight but still lost to the players of "Alanta" in their final match of the regular season. Thus, they were unable to break their own losing streak, which had so far consisted of six consecutive defeats.
Andriana Pavlyk and the company started the match quite confidently (2:5). "Regina" earned the lion's share of these points precisely thanks to the outside hitter. The Rivne team continued to hold the lead, although due to their own mistakes on serves, it was no longer so obvious (10:11).
Maria Lozinska's attack with the first pace equalized the parity (15:15), and in the next rally, the blocker won the duel over the net and brought "Alanta" ahead. But this moment did not become a turning point, because the parties constantly exchanged roles. For example, Khrystyna Savchenko's ace at the end of the set brought the wards of Antonina Zhuk the 23rd point, when the opponents had only 20 points. In the end, they were able to bring the segment to a win - 23:25.
At the start of the next set, the representatives of Rivne continued to have the initiative (2:5). Gariy Yeghiazarov's team responded to such audacity of the opponents with a spurt and turned everything upside down (8:5). It is worth giving credit to "Regina", because after that the athletes of this team did not give up and continued to fight. However, this time the team from Dnipro triumphed - 25:22.
After the equal and at the same time interesting previous two sets, the neutral fans were hoping for a continuation of the volleyball action. But in the third segment, there was already no intrigue, because the dominance of "Alanta" was undeniable - 25:16.
Of course, with this development of events, it was difficult for Antonina Zhuk's wards to return to the game. Moreover, in the fourth set, the rivals have already fully adapted to their actions, hence the score on the scoreboard — 25:15.
Starting line-up of "Alanta": Protsenko (8), Dzendzelovska (2), Hrytsyk (15), Lozinska (15), Puhach (16), Parfonova (6), Lutsenko (l), Boiko (l). Substitutes: Fedyk (10), Kravchenko (1).
Starting line-up of "Regina-MEGU-OSHVSM": Pavlyk (16), Minko (1), Trofimchuk (4), Zghurska (6), Nakoskina (10), Savchenko (8), Prokopova (l), Lustiuk (l).