PVLU has determined the best players of the first half of the Super League-Dmart 2022/23

The Presidium of the Professional Volleyball League of Ukraine has determined the best players of the first half of the Super League-Dmart season 2022/23.

On December 26, after the end of the League Cup match between SC Balta and the National team of Ukraine U-17 in Chernivtsi, the representatives of these teams were the first to receive awards, namely: Oleksandra Shkarupa (Ukrainian U-15 national team), Dariia Makarova and Marharyta Heiko (both — national team of Ukraine U-17), Iryna Nohina (SC "Balta").

In addition, the president of PVLU Volodymyr Dubinsky decided to present monetary certificates to all participating teams of the tournament: which lose at the quarter-final stage of 10,000 hryvnias; in the semi-finals - 20 thousand hryvnias; in the final - 30 thousand hryvnias; winners - 40 thousand hryvnias.

The sportswoman was awarded by the general director of PVLU Andrii Lopa, who started the ceremony with the following words:  

- Glory to Ukraine! Dear fans and players, who are present in the hall today! The Professional Volleyball League of Ukraine congratulates everyone on the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays and wishes for victory! And also thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for enabling us to hold competitions in this difficult time!


Маргарита Гейко


Ірина Ногіна

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