The National team of Ukraine U-15 lost all chances to rise above the last place in the "standings" of Super League-Dmart
Збірна України U-15 втратили всі шанси піднятися вище останнього місця “регулярки” Суперліги-Дмарт

Women's Super League-Dmart 2022/23

IX round. 1 match

Chernivtsi Arena "PVLU". February 9, 2023

National team of Ukraine U-15 — "Halychanka-ZUNU" 0-3 (8:25, 20:25, 19:25)

The match between the National team of Ukraine U-15 and "Halychanka-ZUNU" aroused great interest in the context of the future fight for the best places before the playoff games. If the blue-yellow team triumphed today, they would still have a chance to leave the last step and overtake Ternopil in the standings of the regular championship. However, this did not happen.

The national team did not start this match very well, and because of this their mentor Anastasiia Kotliarenko had to talk to her players a few minutes after the starting whistle. However, this and later another time-out did not bring the desired result. "Halychanka", somehow feeling the power over their opponents, acted quite calmly both in attack and defense. Hence such a crushing score on the scoreboard — 8:25.

In the next set, the team from Ternopil continued to dictate their terms — 10:18. However, at the equator of the segment, there was a rotation of setters in its composition: Diana Holod went to rest, and Anastasiia Dzhyma appeared on the court. At the same time, the U-15 volleyball players had a good game, in particular, in serving.

Soon Liudmila Chornenka was forced to make a reverse substitution because their opponents took courage and even equalized the parity - 18:18. However, they stopped later for some reason - 20:25. As Bohdan Pohoretskyi, assistant coach of the national team, said during the break between sets, the girls simply did not have enough courage to make a complete comeback.

Після такої цікавої попередньої партії всі з нетерпінням чекали наступну, і не прогадали. Гра вирівнялася — 10:10. А далі після ейсу Анни-Марії Гошилик та результативного блоку її партнерок по команді підопічні Котляренко зробили серйозну заявку на перемогу — 14:11. Але потім з їхнього боку посипалися помилки, чим сповна скористалася “Галичанка” — 19:25.

The composition of the Ukrainian U-15 national team: Lisova (4), Dobryn (4), Shkarupa (2), Onishchenko (13), Panichevska (7), Molchanova (2), Kostiuk (l) — starting line-up; Khrystenko (2), Hoshylyk (2) — were substituting.

The composition of "Halychanka-ZUNU": Dromova (13), Holod (2), Popovych (8), Liakh (9), Kimak (5), Osypenko (10), Ovcharenko (l) — starting line-up; Dzhyma, Hubenko, Samusenko, Stepura — were substituting.

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