Lidiia Luchko and Dariia Kaplanska joined the list of the best players of the first half of Super League-Dmart 2022/23

According to the results of the first half of the Super League-Dmart of the 2022/23 season, the presidium of the Professional Volleyball League of Ukraine determined the best female athletes.

The well-deserved awards were presented to the leaders of each of the teams by Andrii Lopa, the Director General of PVLU. The ceremonies took place after the matches of the 2022 League Cup.

List of the best female players of 2022:

- Oleksandra Shkarupa (National team of Ukraine U-15);

- Daria Makarova i Marharyta Heiko (both - National team of Ukraine U-17);

- Iryna Nohina (SC "Balta");

- Valeriia Yakusheva ("DobroDiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM");

- Lidiia Luchko ("Alanta");

- Dariia Kaplanska (SC "Prometey").

We would like to add that the president of PVLU Volodymyr Dubinsky decided to give monetary thanks to all the participating teams of the tournament: those who lose at the 1/4 final stage — 10,000 hryvnias; in the semi-finals - 20 thousand hryvnias; in the final - 30 thousand hryvnias; winners - 40 thousand hryvnias.




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