The finalists of the Women's League Cup 2022 have been decided

On December 27, the semi-final matches of the League Cup 2022 were held among women's volleyball teams.

The players of "DobroDiy-Meduniversitetu-ShVSM" and "Balta" were the first to enter the "PVLU" Arena. According to the results of four sets, the team from Vinnytsia triumphed here and became the first finalists of the competition.

Neutral fans had high hopes for intrigue in the Dnipro derby during this Cup, between "Alanta" and "Prometey", and they were not disappointed. It was a match worthy of a final, and the victory was celebrated by the team of Gariy Yeghiazarov.

27 грудня. Півфінали

SC "Balta" — "DobroDiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM" 1-3 (21:25, 13:25, 25:18, 15:25)

SC "Prometey" — "Alanta" 2-3 (25:20, 16:25, 25:20, 18:25, 14:16)

So, on December 28, the final of the League Cup 2022 will take place between "DobroDiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM" and "Alanta". Starts at 18:00. 

The online broadcast is on the YouTube-channel DIVISPORT VOLLEYBALL.

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