"Dobrodiy" — "Regina": the team from Vinnytsia broke their winless streak in the Super League-Dmart
чемпіонат України

Super League-Dmart 2023/24 (women)

VII round. The sixth game. January 20

VC "Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM" — "Regina-MEGU-OSHVSM" 3-0 (25:18, 25:22, 26:24)

Yuliia Yakusheva's wards had suffered four consecutive defeats against the teams that are in the upper part of the tournament table of the championship of Ukraine before the game against the Rivne team. Today, the "Dobrodiy" had a great chance to break their unsuccessful streak, and they took advantage of it.

It was the team from Vinnytsia who seized the initiative from the first minutes of the meeting. With each new rally, they increased their advantage (18:10). This spurt was facilitated, in particular, by Valeriia Yakusheva's tight serve, which was too difficult for the players to accept at that moment. By the end of this set, "Dobrodiy" had nine set balls. Antonina Zhuk's team was able to make up for only a few of them - 25:18.

Andriana Pavlyk and Co. started the second set more confidently than the previous one. However, this did not upset the opponents. On the contrary, they responded to such audacity by winning six draws in a row (6:2). The so-called "Swings" did not stop there: first, "Regina" equalized parity with a double block, and later even took the lead (9:11).

The gap by two points between the sides lasted for quite a long time until the captain of the Vinnytsia team had her say in the attack (20:21). We also note the stable serve of Liliia Vabishchevych, thanks to which the "Dobrodiy" received a free ball and successfully used it. It was Yakusheva who put the full stop with a well-hit shot - 25:22.

In the third set, the opponents also demonstrated equal and at the same time unstable volleyball (15:15). The initiative changed hands for a long time. Closer to the end of the set, the vice-champions of Ukraine may have lost their concentration, due to which they made a series of simple mistakes (19:22). That is why "Regina" was the closest to triumph at that moment. However, the players of "Dobrodiy" turned the tide of the meeting with strong willpower and pressed the opponent — 26:24.

Starting line-up of VC "Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM": Yakusheva (k) (31), Kucher (6), Muzychenko (7), Kalanchuk (6), Kostianets (2), Kryva (7), Bukatseli (l), Boiko (l). Substitutes: Vabishchevych (2), Zavala (1), Turkula.

Starting line-up of "Regina-MEGU-OSHVSM": Pavlyk (19), Hriazina (2), Trofimchuk (1), Zhurska (4), Nakoskina (12), Savchenko (6), Prokopova (l), Lustiuk (l).

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