"Alanta" — "Dobrodiy": in the match of the current winners of the championship of Ukraine, the Dnipro team won

Super League - Dmart 2023/24 (women)

2nd round. The sixth game. November 4

"Alanta" — VC "Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM" 3-0 (25:15, 25:22, 25:17)

In the central match of the 2nd round of the championship of Ukraine, the silver and bronze medalists of last year's "elite" draw met - "Dobrodiy" and "Alanta", respectively. And if the players from Vinnytsia faced some personnel problems at the start of the season, their opponents already have a full and fairly balanced squad. This is one of the main reasons for the victory of the Dnipro team today.

Gariy Yegiazarov's team confidently started this match: the "Dobrodiy" did not have time to block efficiently, in particular, Marta Fedyk's shots (5:2). After an early time-out from Yuliia Yakusheva, her wards equalized the score. However, this parity did not last long (11:7).

One got the impression that Mariia Protsenko and Mariia Lozinska quickly got used to Valeriia Yakusheva's attacks. Several times they successfully "covered" the captain of the Vinnytsia team (15:9). The vice-champions had a substitution of setters: Veronika Turkula entered the court. However, it did not affect the course of the game. The Dnipro club earned a set ball thanks to Yuliia Kaminska's efforts. The player herself immediately implemented it - 25:15.

Oksana Kostianets, who returned to the court, was looking for Tetiana Muzychenko and Valeriia Yakusheva with her passes. However, again, it was not always possible for the girls to successfully complete the combinations. Therefore, the setter of "Dobrodiy" in one of the episodes decided to take the situation into her own hands, but her spike was too obvious for the opponents (7:2). Another time out.

Despite the solid advantage of "Alanta", the players from Vinnytsia did not give up. Everyone knows about their character and desire to fight till the end. And today they once again reminded us about it. The "Dobrodiy" completely seized the initiative and transformed it into a comfortable margin (14:19). The appearance of Bohdana Hrytsyk stabilized the game of the Dnipro team - they decided on a reverse comeback. Very soon her shot put an end to this set - 25:22.

In the next set, "Dobrodiy" was not like themselves (12:5). Perhaps the team was psychologically affected by the previous failure. The mistakes of the opponents encouraged Yakusheva's wards a little. However, this time the distance between the teams was too critical to win - 25:17.

Starting line-up of "Alanta": Protsenko (9), Lozinska (3), Kaminska (9), Fedyk (15), Puhach (11), Parfonova (4), Lutsenko (l), Boiko (l). Substitutes: Luchko (3), Hrytsyk (5).

Starting line-up of VC "Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM": Yakusheva (c) (16), Kucher (2), Muzychenko (5), Vorotnychenko (5), Kostianets (1), Kryva (4), Bukatseli (l), Boiko (l). Substitutes: Turkula, Vabishchevych (1), Zavala (1), Kalanchuk.

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