Euro-2023: Ukraine lost to Slovenia at the start of the tournament

European Championship-2023. Group round. Group B

September 30, Wednesday

Slovenia - Ukraine - 3:1 (23:25, 25:22, 25:20, 25:20)

The starting line-up of the national team of Ukraine: Tupchii (scored 23 points), Synytsia (1), Semeniuk (9), Shchurov (9), Kovalov (7), Poluian (12), Kanaiev (l), Boiko (l). Substitutes: Kucher (1), Plotnytskyi (0), Kisiliuk (2), Mazenko (1). 

Starting line-up of the Slovenian national team: Možič, Urnaut, Ropret, Cebulj, Kozamernik, Pajenk, Kovacic (libero). Substitutes: Mujanovich, Stalekar.

The men's national team of Ukraine had to play its debut match at Eurovolley 2023 against one of the continent's top teams - Slovenia.

The first surprise in this match was the starting line-up of the "blue and yellows": Vladyslav Shchurov replaced the injured Dmytro Teromenko, and Tymofii Poluian replaced the captain Oleh Plotnytskyi.

Illia Kovalov scored the starting point in this game with an attack (1:0), but then the Slovenians demonstrated incredible actions in defense (1:3) and increased their advantage with each rally (2:6). The Ukrainians narrowed the gap slightly on the serve of Yurii Synytsia (6:7). But it was not possible to keep the minimum gap: Slovenia attacked at the first pace, served an ace and did an excellent job on the block (12:15). And then Yurii Semeniuk appeared on the first attacking line, and attacked twice effectively, and then with Vasyl Tupcii blocked the star of the Slovenian team, Tine Urnaut. Next, our opposite earned a point in the attack (16:16), and Timofii Poluian put the Ukrainians ahead with an ace (18:17). The coach of Slovenia, Gheorghe Cretu, was noticeably nervous and took time-outs to save this set. But Vasyl Tupchii was unstoppable - his blocks and attacks brought the necessary points (21:18). For his part, Tine Urnaut became more active on the other side of the court (21:21). The wards of Ugis Krastinš kept their concentration and withstood the fierce pressure of the opponent - 25:23 and 1-0 in sets.

In the second set, the "blue-yellows" felt confident and took the lead (9:6) thanks to the aces of Poluian and Synytsia. The Slovenians did not cope with the reception and made their own mistakes. This segment of the game was very intense: video challenges, a yellow card for the coach of the Ukrainians and a turning point in the set (18:22). Slovenia quickly scored points and eventually won this set - 23:25.

The third set followed the scenario of the Slovenian athletes. They did everything - attacks, serving, playing on the block and in defense. The Ukrainians also had good episodes, but it was not enough to record this set in their assets - 20:25 and 1-2 in favor of our opponent.

The fourth set was, unfortunately, the last in this confrontation. The Slovenians took the initiative from the start (5:10). This advantage only increased - captain Tine Urnaut and the middle blockers Jan Kozamernik and Alen Pajenk gained a crazy pace in the attack (6:15). As a result, our guys failed to turn the tide of this part of the game - 20:25 and 1-3 in the end.

The most productive member of the national team of Ukraine was the opposite Vasyl Tupchii - 23 points.

In another match of Group B, Spain rather unexpectedly defeated the hosts of the tournament, Bulgaria (3:1).

Tomorrow, August 31, at 17:30 Kyiv time, the Ukrainians will play against the Croatian national team.

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