"Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM" defeated "Alanta" in a dramatic confrontation and topped the Super League-Dmart standings
"Добродій-Медуніверситет-ШВСМ" у драматичному протистоянні переміг "Аланту" і очолив турнірну таблицю Суперліги-Дмарт

Women's Super League-Dmart

6th round. 4 match.

Chernivtsi. SC "Malenkyi Paryzh". December 16.

"Alanta" - VC "Dobrody-Meduniversitet-ShVSM" - 2:3 (20:25, 25:23, 25:20, 24:26, 12:15).

"Alanta": Kateryna Silchenkova (20 points), Stanislava Parfonova (2), Mariia Lozinska (8), Mariia Protsenko (16), Yuliia Kaminska (8), Lidiia Luchko (18), Alika Lutsenko (L) - starting line-up; Kateryna Dzendzelovska (7).

VC "Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM": Dariia Kovalchuk (8), Anastasiia Kucher (17), Maryna Dehtiarova (12), Valeriia Yakusheva (34), Anastasiia Malysheva (6), Yana Zavala (5), Tetiana Rotar (L) - starting line-up; Diana Kryva (4), Vladymyra Pylypenko (1), Liliia Vabishchevych (0).

On the penultimate day of the 6th round of the Super League-Dmart, one of the central matches of the entire second circle took place. In it, "Alanta" from Dnipro and "Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM" from Vinnytsia faced each other. The winner of today's match was at the top of the tournament table based on the results of the first circle. The result of the confrontation also directly affected the starting positions of three teams at once (in addition to the participants of the match - also "Prometey") on the eve of the start of the League Cup.

Opponents approached the match in optimal formations, and this fact contributed to the fact that they presented volleyball fans with a wonderful spectacle. From the first minutes on the court of "Malenkyi Paryzh", an exciting struggle unfolded in every rally. Closer to the equator of the set, a small margin of three points was created by "Alanta" (9:6, 10:7), but "Dobrodiy" took three consecutive points, equalizing the score (10:10). The Vinnytsia club developed its local success and took the lead in the second half of the set (15:13, 21:17). For the final part of the set, the "+4" handicap was very solid, and Yuliia Yakusheva's team used a great chance to take the lead in the match.

The Dnipro team started the second set more confidently - 8:4, 10:6. As in the previous set, "Dobrodiy" found reserves to strengthen the game and took the lead in the first half of the set (12:11). During the second half, Yuliia Yakusheva's team won 3 points, but at the end of the set, "Alanta" had a higher chance of winning - 21:18 in their favor. The club from Dnipro created three set points for themselves and left the set behind on the third attempt – 25:23.

In the wake of this success, after a 10-minute break, Gariy Yeghiazarov's team took 4 consecutive points. Dnipro team did not lose the initiative and in the first half of the set their handicap was 6 points (11:5, 12:6), and in the second, continuing to control the game, they took a very important set with a score of 25:20.

The fourth set, like the previous one, "Alanta" started with a powerful rush, this time 5:0. With the same margin of 5 points, the team finished the first half of the set. At the beginning of the second half, the team from Vinnytsia scored 3 points at once. At that moment, Gary Yeghiazarov took a time-out, but after that, the teams were divided by only one point (16:15 in favor of "Alanta"). At the end of the set, the heat of passion generally reached its maximum. The most productive player of the match Valeriia Yakusheva (34 points) first equalized the score, and then led her team ahead (21:20). The teams had to determine the strongest in this set in a "more or less" game. It is "Dobrodiy", who took the set with a score of 26:24.

The team from Vinnytsia caught real courage and led 7:1 in the opening of the fifth decisive set. "Alanta" won 5 points, but "Dobrodiy" managed to regain the initiative and deservedly won both the set and the match in general.

The Vinnytsia team topped the championship standings with 30 points, and today's opponent and "Prometey" are one point behind them.

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